Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do You Remember?

Ask yourselves this – Do you really remember the past crisis like the Asian Flu, New York City’s BK, Mexican Debt Default then devaluation of the Peso?

How about the S&L crisis, 1987 market crash, the Y2K non-event, 2000 tech bubble crash?

Or recall the LTCM fiasco, 9/11 market crash, Russian Debt Default?

Most of the events involved huge amounts of public money to avert disaster and Congressional hearings to assign blame. For the most part ordinary people in the U.S. don’t even remember the particulars because they didn’t end up in a soup line like my Grandparents did in the Depression.

In a widespread crisis of confidence almost nothing works except Time, Time to sort what things are worth and let cooler heads prevail. What is insidious about this particular failure is the way in which declining values have created a vicious cycle of further write downs and failures so the Feds step in and assert a Command and Control economy temporarily.

As I’ve stated before – the Greatest Portfolio is one with a lot of strong “things” that are not correlated to each other. The alternative investments I continually speak about have returned a benchmark average of 10.31% this week - and will continue to pay that 10.31% each week for the remainder of the year. Do your homework - you'll thank me later...

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